Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!!! We had such a fun time this year! The Easter bunny sure knows how to spoil, and not just at home, but at Gma & Papa's house too!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Dying the Eggs!!!

Emma was such a big helper this year!
Brayd didn't want to use any of the utensils, he thought his hands were better!

"Petty, Mama!"
All the pretty eggs the kids made!! *NOTE* The Easter bunny hid these eggs while our dog, Herky was still awake. When Mom and Dad went upstairs to check on the kiddos, they came back for a surprise! Herky thought that he was the one to find the eggs! He ATE 3 of the eggs!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Weekend

Easter weekend! Friday night, Ms Emma and I drove to Storm Lake to see the premier of "Hannah Montana," Saturday morning the kids and I went to Spring Lake Park for the Cherokee Annual Easter Egg Hunt! And, I had to add the other pic! Emma and Brayd spent the night with Gma & Papa Good, and Emma wanted to write them a thank-you note!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Brayden's E.R. trip

After a long 3 hr drive back to Cedar Falls.. and getting supper done. The kids (Blake, Emma and Brayden) went downstairs to play. Mom, Nikki, and I were upstairs cleaning up supper when we heard a HUGE crash. All three of us ran down to find Brayden screaming and a t.v. on the floor. Mom, Paul, and I took off for the E.R. b/c we didn't know exactly what had happened. He had a huge blue bruise above his left eye, and his eye was already swollen shut. When we got to the E.R (about 8:30ish), they examined him and determined they wanted to do a CAT scan, just to make sure that he didn't have a fractured skull. We gave him an oral dose of an anestetic and let him drift to sleep.. He was soo terrified of what was going on that he NEVER let it kick in. We tried the CAT scan 2 times with him kicking and screaming. I finally asked if there was another route we could go and they told us that the drug they had given him would of knocked out an over 200# man. The Dr. told us that were going to try one last time, if it didn't work then he was going to send us home and that we were to monitor him over night, and if something did happen then they would have to fly him out to Iowa City.. Mom and I prayed, and prayed that he would be O.K., and Willie was back in Cherokee, not knowing what was going on. FINALLY he fell into a deeper sleep and we walked the back hallways with the lights VERY dim, so he wouldn't wake up. Whoo-hoo! We were successful for a 3rd try!! We waited about another 30-45 min for the results.. and when they came back in, they said he was perfect!!! Just a big black eye and bruise above!! We finally did determine that the t.v. did not land on him, that it probably went over his head while the shelf fell onto him. We got back to Mom's house about 12:45ish in the a.m.. He is doing really well now, thankfully nothing major happened.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mr B. and markers DO NOT mix!!

Mr. B thought that coloring on paper was too boring! He was upstairs playing with big Sis, when he found her marker stash..

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy 2nd Bday Brayden Nathan!!

Brayden blowing out the candles!

Trying to help Dad figure out his new mower

OOOOh! MORE Thomas the Train stuff! :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009